Ladies of Harley



Ladies of Harley History
Whether you ride solo, are a passenger or support a rider, Ladies of Harley promotes female participation in the world of Harley-Davidson. It operates within a local Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.)
Chapter. Members of LOH run their own meetings and sponsor activities that everyone can participate in. Ladies Of Harley was founded nationally as a support network for women interested in
motorcycling, whether as a passenger or a rider. The purpose is to get more women involved in motorcycling although not specifically to get them to move to the front seat. This purpose is accomplished by providing, within the LOH group, role models for new lady riders, opportunities for social interaction with other women interested or involved in motorcycling, and opportunities for skill building, if desired. Initially, participation was limited to women only. As time passed it was opened to LOH members and their invited guests, which mostly included their significant others.

Ladies of Harley Purpose
We want to encourage all ladies, whether you ride your own, ride as a passenger or support a rider, to join us in fun and exciting chapter events. You do not have to own your own bike to become an LOH member. If you are interested in socializing, riding and volunteering with a diverse, supportive, and never boring group of lady bikers, then come join the fun with the Fabulous Ladies of Harley.

• Foster a comfortable environment in which both women riders and passengers can feel
comfortable and of equal value to the chapter.
• Encourage participation from all women in all chapter events.


Come Join
Membership to LOH is free of charge, and it applies to any lady that belongs to the National H.O.G. Chapter with full or associate membership. However, membership is not automatic. Your H.O.G. card will indicate whether you are a Lady of Harley. You can contact H.O.G. directly if you want to add this. Ladies of Harley have their own patches and pins too.
The Greenville Chapter is thrilled to offer a Ladies of Harley meeting on the 3rdTuesday of each month. Meeting locations change so check the calendar Event Calendar and watch for eblasts.

Meetings are focused on planning events that LOH sponsors or coordinates for the dealership, rides, trips, fun activities and charitable events. Events may be ladies only or open to all. We encourage all women to get involved with the Chapter's rides and events. Whether you ride your own bike, ride two up or support a rider, you are a Lady of Harley too!

Come join us and make new friends - ride safe and often! To find out more about the Ladies of Harley at Greenville Chapter, please check out chapter events or contact Ronni W. at
[email protected]